Sunday, October 18, 2009

Po is NOT blind! *spoiler*

I've been hearing some pretty nasty rumors during my travels that I feel the need to disprove. PO IS NOT BLIND! I don't know where this rumor came from. It's true that he was seriously injured in our fight with King Leck and his men, and it's true that we spent several months hidden from society in our private cabin, but was only because of Po's desire for seclusion.

Repeat: NO ONE IN OUR HOUSEHOLD IS BLIND. Po's Grace does NOT give him the ability to sense the thoughts and movement of everything (and everyone) around him. His Grace covers his tremendous fighting ability and NOTHING ELSE.

This picture DOES NOT represent Po. I promise.

That said, we are big supporters of any and all causes for blind men, teens, and boys, NOT BECAUSE PO IS BLIND (because he’s not) but simply because we care.

~~ Katsa~~

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